Monday, December 13, 2010


I love gunshot patients. Their behaviour is the most predictable of any patient who shows up in the ER. For starters they NEVER know who their assailant is. And they NEVER know WHY they were shot. Everyone who hangs around behind clubs and in dark parking lots at 4 am must be reading the Bible or something. These patients come in usually pretty scared. They are sure they are going to die. The nurses are their angels...their new best friends. Everything is "yes ma'am" and "thank-you ma'am". It almost makes you believe that you have a real life Bible thumper in front of you. But once you give them the good news...that their assailant needs to do some serious target practice as they were only hit in the lower leg and that they in fact are going to be just fine...then the true character comes out. Usually a true a-hole. The talk of retaliation, the loud profanities, the unco-operative behaviour, the "man" who gets shot has a complete cow when you try to take a piece of tape off his arm. Is it wrong that I think our city needs to find our own modern Australia to send all these idiots off to so that they can live in their own gun slinging chaos? At least I wouldn't have to deal with them!

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