Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Vibrate Mode

Yikes! I sort of fell off the grid there for a while! You know how life throws those crazy curveballs at you though. Running out of milk, doing laundry, taking the kiddies swimming, feeding the dog..and before you know it it's been two months since a blog entry has been logged.

Life in the ER continues on as normal. We just moved into a new department a year ago. Everything is shiny and new...well, WAS shiny and new. New monitors, new portable ultrasound machine, new stretchers, new toilet paper holders that allow your 15 second pee break to become a 5 minute one as you desperately try to rip off enough paper from the roll, new tracking system...the list goes on. Our newest addition? Small portable phones that allow you to call the separate departments, charge nurse and docs. I assumed that our tracking system was what was supposed to help us figure out where people are, but whatever. It even allows us to text. This lovely feature is used quite a bit I discovered when going through the phone history one night. It included medically relevant texts such as "hey blue zone nurse you look hot in your orange shirt" and "i want to kill dr (insert name)". On the front of these phones is the brand nam AsCom. We have appropriately renamed these the AssPhones. Anyone fortunate enough to carry these around will put them in their back pocket..and turn it on vibrate. I have yet to have to carry one of these around, however I think I now know why the charge nurses look so much happier these days!

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